What is Margaret's Place?
Margaret’s Place is a safe space where youth can go to speak with a counselor about different types of violence they or someone they know might be experiencing.
The Margaret’s Place Counselor helps youth strengthen their resilience, lets them know that they are not alone, and underscores that trauma is not their fault. All services are free and offered during school hours.
Margaret’s Place Program Services:
- Intervention Programs:
- Individual Counseling: Students who have been impacted by violence at school, in their community, or in their home, may qualify for weekly mental health counseling.
- Group Counseling: Margaret’s Place will offer three groups during the school-year. Group topic to be decided and announced soon.
- Safe Space for Drop-In and Hang-Out Time at Nutrition & Lunch
- Crisis Intervention
- Topical Workshops & Discussion Groups (based on student need/request)
- Prevention Programs:
- Youth Empowered to Speak (YES) Classes: 5-session violence prevention curriculum taught to all 9th graders. Topics include defining violence, teen relationship abuse, healthy coping skills, how to be a Responsible Bystander, and empowering students to break the cycle of violence in their own lives.
- Peer Leadership: All students eligible. Peer Leaders meet once a week, to learn about issues of violence such as bullying, domestic violence/relationship abuse, racial/gender stereotyping and how they can create positive change. Peer Leaders educate and role model for their peers and in their communities the importance of speaking out and taking action against these issues to break the cycle of violence. Peer Leaders also receive special perks, such as fun field trips every year!
- School-Wide Awareness Campaigns: The Margaret’s Place Peer Leaders assist in planning and facilitating two educational awareness campaigns for the entire student body. Every October campaign is dedicated to Domestic Violence Awareness, and Peer Leaders choose the spring campaign topic.
- Informational Workshops for Parents
- Trainings for School Faculty & Staff